
DE sign:
(Deconstructing in-order to find new meanings)

A blogging space about my personal interests; was made during training in Stockholm #Young Leaders Visitors Program #Ylvp08 it developed into a social bookmarking blog.

I studied #Architecture; interested in #Design #Art #Education #Urban Design #Digital-media #social-media #Inhabited-Environments #Contemporary-Cultures #experimentation #networking #sustainability & more =)

Please Enjoy, feedback recommended.

p.s. sharing is usually out of interest not Blind praise.
This is neither sacred nor political.

Saturday, January 17

Albert Einstein Documentary HD

Albert Einstein Documentary HD

The best Albert Einstein documentary. If you only watch one Einstein documentary this is the one! One of my personal favorite things to watch ever. Features comments from Neil deGrasse Tyson and more.

E General Relativity 1905-2005

Einstein's General Relativity, from 1905 to 2005 - Kip Thorne - 11/16/2005

Published on Dec 9, 2014
"Einstein's General Relativity, from 1905 to 2005: Warped Spacetime, Black Holes, Gravitational Waves, and the Accelerating Universe," was presented as part of the Einstein Centennial Lecture Series and Earnest C. Watson Lecture Series at Caltech. Professor Thorne was introduced by Tom Tombrello, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Physics and Division Chair of Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy. Learn more about the lecture: http://www.caltech.edu/content/einste...

Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies.
© 2005 California Institute of Technology

Want Democratic Change in 2015? Try More Empathy and Creativity

Want Democratic Change in 2015? Try More Empathy and Creativity

By Julia Roig, President, Partners for Democratic Change 

As we begin the New Year, my Facebook feed, Linkedin, and email inbox have been full of hopeful predictions for 2015. For example, Carl Gershman from the National Endowment for Democracy gives us reasons to feel optimistic about the triumph of democracy in the world. I’m also sure that many of us received the checklist on how we can contribute to peace from thePeace and Collaborative Development Network. And then we were all shocked by the horrible terrorist attack in Paris. In my community of professionals working in international development, we seem to share a deep sense of optimism that positive change is possible. But in the face of senseless and tragic violence and such horrific strikes against fundamental freedoms, how do we stay motivated and keep going on with our work? As I reflect on my year ahead at Partners, I find myself focusing on what I believe is the essence of our work as change agents: to find and promote more empathy.

For the past several months I keep bringing up empathy in different contexts and conversations, and more and more I am convinced that it is the fundamental catalyst for both interpersonal and societal change. One popular definitionby Dr. Brené Brown describes empathy as the ability to identify with or understand another’s situation or feelings. This idea is what fuels genuine connections that recognize and acknowledge diverse perspectives and emotions and is a fundamental concept underlying so much of Partners’ work in peace-building and democracy building:

  • Conflict Resolution requires empathy. All mediators and facilitators know that you must negotiate based on interests and not on positions.  We are called upon as neutrals to help parties in conflict understand each other to satisfy each other’s needs and reach an agreement that works for everyone.
  • Advocacy requires empathy. As an advocate for a cause, if you have a blind spot and don’t understand those who disagree with you, how will you ever address their concerns sufficiently to minimize dissent and move forward with your agenda? When training in cooperative advocacy, Partners often leads activists through an exercise of putting themselves in the shoes of the “other side” to make their arguments for them and identify the facts that support those arguments.
  • Leadership requires empathy. Effective leaders in open, transparent, and democratic institutionspractice empathy. They build broad teams by understanding different talents and identifying everyone needed to get a job done. But more than that, empathetic leaders do a lot of listening and seek ways to be the most helpful to those they manage to be successful.
  • Authentic partnerships require empathy. As an international NGO, we work in partnership with our local affiliates in all our programming. We obviously come from different perspectives, but to work together effectively we have to understand each other’s realities. Some of us are sitting at desks in DC, and some are working in the field in Aden, Yemen. Empathy allows our partnerships to be flexible and respectful.
If empathy is a distinctly human capability, why is it so difficult in practice? Power, ego, insecurities, and trauma all get in the way of experiencing empathy. This inability to practice empathy affects us personally, professionally, and as a nation, and we get stuck in conflictive, vicious cycles as human beings. In the U.S., how do we find empathy for Russians?  For Iranians?  For Central Americans?  And how should that empathy inform our public policies?
Empathy through Creativity.  So, one of the most important tasks in front of us in 2015 is to work to build more empathy in ourselves and in the world. And I am particularly inspired by the power of developing empathy through creativity. One of the most popular Ted Talks (ever) is by Sir Ken Robinson discussing how our educational systemis beating creativity out of us and teaching kids how to be “right” and “wrong.”  We learn to develop an internal voice that makes us judgmental of others and ourselves.   He cites studies of musicians, dancers, and other artists that show that the parts of our brains that are triggered when we are creative are also actively suppressing judgment and self-criticism. We hold ourselves open to all possibilities when we are in a creative flow, and are more open to empathy.

This rings true to me, as we know as peace-builders that using the arts is an important tool for building understanding, tolerance, and reconciliation. For example, in Iraq, Partners has a program working with youth in high-conflict areas that not only incorporates the arts and sports to establish relationships, teamwork, and leadership skills, but also lessons of empathy for those of different religious and ethnic affiliations.

Building Bridges for more Creativity. One of the ways for us to use more creativity in our work in the international development field is to seek out new partnerships with artists whose profession is to entertain and inspire through powerful narratives that touch us emotionally. The Alliance for Peacebuilding is spearheading just such an exciting initiative together with the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California. The Media and Peacebuilding Roundtable held its first gathering in Los Angeles last fall with representatives from the movie industry, gamers, world-builders, and other creative leaders to discuss potential for collaboration with peace-builders. What struck me the most after spending the day with these artists was how differently they think about the world and their work, and how their mediums don’t restrict them to pre-existing paradigms. They can literally create new worlds and construct new stories; the only limitation is their imaginations and their inspiration to touch an audience in meaningful ways. Reflecting with some of my colleagues from DC afterwards, one of our common refrains was “my mind is blown.” I guess that is what happens when you see the possibilities of making the world you want, while viewing different mediums to share that hopeful, better world with others.
One of the fruits of these new relationships was that Partners was able to participate at the end of last year in a creative new Peace Portals initiative sponsored by Shared Studios in Manhattan. One of our staff members entered into a shipping container that was outfitted as a studio and was able to see and hear the full body image of an Iranian citizen that walked into a similar shipping container on the streets of Tehran. They had an informal conversation for 20 minutes about life, his love of motorcycles, their jobs, and the weather, (a powerful experience straight out of Star Trek). Hundreds of ordinary people participated in the Portals and one by one they are building empathy for the citizens living in a country far away from their own reality.
Using these kinds of amazing technologies, and sharing each other’s stories in new creative ways will help us be successful in working for more peaceful democratic change in 2015. There is a lot of solidarity right now throughout the world for writers and cartoonists in particular. For the New Year, I wish for all Partners’ colleagues and friends to find a creative flow that allows you to find and promote more empathy.


Monday, January 12


Archiculture Official Trailer from arbuckle industries on Vimeo.
Archiculture examines the current and future state of studio-based, design education.

Archiculture takes a thoughtful, yet critical look at the architectural studio. The film offers a unique glimpse into the world of studio-based, design education through the eyes of a group of students finishing their final design projects. Interviews with leading professionals, historians and educators help create crucial dialog around the key issues faced by this unique teaching methodology.

1. Intro - Welcome to archiCULTURE
2. Design Education - So What Exactly is Design Education?
3. Studio Culture - Meet Your New Family
4. Critique - Desk Crits, Pin Ups, Juries O’ My!
5. Best Architects - Making it as an Architect
6. School vs. Practice - Two Worlds Collide
7. Starchitecture - The Plague of the Starchitect
8. New generation - The Designers of Tomorrow
9. The Future - I See Myself...

To stay updated about local screenings please follow us on our Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Archiculture/176928975652899


Friday, December 5

Calling Ylvp15

The application process for YLVP 2015 is open! For more information on how to apply, please see Application procedure.
The application process for YLVP 2015 is now open! Deadline for applications is December 12, 2014.
Who can apply to YLVP?
  • Be an engaged leader within the spheres of society, culture, politics or media (for example project managers, youth leaders, journalists, bloggers, activists, youth politicians, cultural workers, civil servants, lawyers and pedagogues).
  • Work actively for democracy and human rights.
  • Be between 20-32 years old (at the time of the start of the programme).
  • Have a good working knowledge of both written and spoken English.
  • A citizen of Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Palestine*, Yemen or Sweden

How do we select our participants?

  • The relevance and quality of personal motivation and commitment, and the applicant’s answers to the YLVP application form.
  • An assessment of the CV.
  • The general qualifications of the applicant.
How to apply?
  • A completed YLVP Application Form 2015 in English,  including your contact details and the contact details of two reference persons.
  • An updated CV in English
  • A photo (not compulsory)
Important dates
  • Deadline for applications: December 12, 2014
  • Google Hangout interviews: 26 January-6 February
  • Accepted applicants will be informed by: 26 February
  • YLVP module 1 in Sweden: May 17-June 5, 2015
  • YLVP follow up in the MENA region (location to be confirmed): November 21-27, 2015
Want to check us out on social media? See Young Leaders Visitors Programme (YLVP)
To apply to Young Leaders Visitors Programme you have to:
* Palestinian ID holders, including Jerusalem ID
Please note that we will not be able to make any exceptions to the eligibility requirements.
The Swedish Institute will appoint a selection committee consisting of staff from the Swedish Institute as well as representatives from partner organisations and field experts. The applications will be evaluated according to the following selection criteria:
Out of all applicants, a number of shortlisted candidates will be called for interviews as a second step in the selection process. The interviews will be conducted through Google Hangout.
The Swedish Institute will then contact 30 selected applicants by email by February 16, 2015, and offer them a place in the Young Leaders Visitors Programme. The Swedish Institute will also compose a list of reserve candidates in case a second selection round would be needed. Reserves who have been offered a place in the Young Leaders Visitors programme will be notified by February 26, 2015. As far as possible, the Swedish Institute will ensure that there is an even distribution of candidates from the different countries.

Please note that the Young Leaders Visitors Programme is an intensive programme with a full day schedule and many evening activities. All selected participants will have to commit to participate in all activities of both module 1 and 2.
You are welcome to apply to the Young Leaders Visitors Programme 2015 starting from November 11, 2014.
Apply by filling out the YLVP Application Form 2015 and submit it through our Application portal together with your CV in English. Please note that we do not accept applications submitted by email. Deadline for applications is December 12, 2014. Only applicants who have submitted a complete application will be considered for the programme.
Please note that the reference persons should be someone who knows your work in the areas of democracy and human rights. We may contact the reference persons of the applicants who are selected for an interview. We only need the contact details of the references (name, job title, telephone number and email), i.e. no letters of recommendation. We accept references who speak English, Arabic or French.
If you have any questions regarding the application form, please contact ylvp(a)si.se.
Due to the large number of applications that we receive, we are unfortunately not able to send personal replies to all applicants. Hence, if you have not heard from us by February 26, 2015, you have not been accepted to the Young Leaders Visitors Programme. However, you are more than welcome to apply again for next year’s programme.
Want to know more about the YLVP? See About the Programme

Sunday, November 2

CSBE Book Lists on #Architecture II

This is a Followup post, kindly check

All is Copied of CSBE http://csbe.org/activities/favorite-book-lists-on-architecture-and-the-built-environment/

Favorite Book Lists on Architecture and the Built Environment

Rami Farouk Daher
CEO: TURATH: Architecture & Urban Design Consultants
Amman, Jordan
I read this book at a later stage in my academic and professional life, specifically in 2001 while spending a sabbatical at the University of California, Berkeley. I even read it twice as I did not understand much of it the first time around. This book not only introduced me to the concept of “discourse,” but also helped me understand how ‘ideas’ are formed and how they are related to practices of power, which is conceived beyond the over-simplistic binary structural separation of ‘empowered’ and ‘dominator’ on the one hand, and ‘marginalized’ and ‘dominated’ on the other. I was able to project many concepts I have learnt from this book onto real-life situations through projects I have worked on relating to building, architecture, and place transformations.  This book, together with other writings by Foucault, triggered me to reveal, qualify, and grant voice to disguised and subjugated ‘local’ realities and knowledge.
I have developed an interest over the years in the epistemologies of knowledge. This book on the phenomenology of architecture introduced me to notions of place, and to an understanding of a higher order and of a different nature of such notions. Norberg-Schulz, who was influenced by Martin Heidegger, helped me arrive at a phenomenological understanding of place beyond its physical qualities and even beyond a ‘romantic’ and over-simplified relationship between place and the individual.  The meaning of place accordingly reveals itself to you based on the nature of your level of engagement and understanding.  Again, and as is the case with the first book in this list, a second reading of this book - and especially after reading Heidegger as well - revealed ‘hidden’ concepts that were not clear to me the first time around I read it, and helped me arrive at a different level of understanding of place.
This remarkable narrative on Modern architecture presented to me architectural, technical, and territorial transformation that took place in Europe and the United States during the past three centuries. Embedded in social theory and political economy, I consider this book a fundamental reference to the understanding of Modernity as a cultural movement of change and transformation that also affected the rest of the world - including our Arab World - towards the end of the first half of the twentieth century.  
I find Edward Said a fascinating personality, and his book Orientalism an eye opener. It is true that he borrowed many concepts, and specifically the relationship between the production of knowledge and the exercise of power, from Michel Foucault, but he brilliantly projected these concepts on theOrient to be conceived as discourse and discussed how the West ‘appropriated,’ talked about, described, and inscribed the Orient during the past two centuries. The details of such a process are so fascinating. Even today, many local Arab institutions and individuals unfortunately still perpetuate such concepts in their practices in many fields related to cultural production, architecture, education, and tourism, to mention a few.
I have developed over the past twenty years or so an interest in public space, not only in terms of understanding its processes of production, but also its design and occupation. This fascinating book, which concentrates on contemporary trends in the design of open and public space, addresses the challenge of delineating and building a new identify as well as searching for a new meaning for this transient and continually-transforming category: open and public space. The book looks at space beyond the binary division of ‘building’ and ‘landscape,’ and rather investigates landscape urbanism through emerging ‘surfaces,’ ‘verticals,’ ‘enclosures,’ ‘shelters,’ and ‘events.’

November 2, 2014

Han Tumertekin
Principal and Founder, Mimarlar Tasarim Danismanlik LtdIstanbul, Turkey

Editor's note: Han Tumertekin's list is different from previous lists we have published so far in that he chose to present his books through a narrative that is defined by the challenges he faced as a student joining Istanbul Technical University in 1976, when Turkey was undergoing intense political turbulences.

When I was admitted to Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in 1976, an informal civil war was going on in Turkey. Each day, nearly twenty people were killed due to the conflict between rightists and leftists. This troubling period lasted until the army’s intervention in 1980. In this kind of an environment, it was unavoidable that education would be hampered, especially at ITU, which was a leftist university. One positive outcome of those difficult years – during which many paid a serious price, both socially and personally - was that we had a good amount of time to read. Naturally, the majority of the books read and the arguments discussed were political. The discussions were very intense and everything was open to discussion. This condition also applied to architectural education. My education was supposed to begin with a period where reading was as important as drawing, but due to boycotts, the start date of the term was delayed from September to May. I used the incredible amount of free time I had to read books that my brother picked for me. That is how I started to read about architecture.
One of the first books I read during that period was Bruno Zevi’s Apprendre A Voir L’Architecture(1948; translated into English under the title of Architecture as Space: How to Look at Architecture). I suppose that my unexpectedly easy understanding of the concept of “space” comes from two drawings in Zevi’s book that consisted of plans of Saint Peter’s Cathedral in Rome placed side by side. In one plan, he marked the walls and columns to attract attention to the void. In the other, he marked the void instead. Through this comparison, I understood that the “void” is not what remains after one removes the walls and columns, but that it actually has a body and a mass itself. Zevi presented an amazing way to make the void visible.
During that same period, I also read Sigfried Giedion’s Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition (1941). The book was about how modern architecture emerged through industrial developments, and how it is still developing through various dynamics. For instance, the invention of the elevator and the development of structural steel enabled the building of skyscrapers. These kinds of relationships made me understand that architecture cannot only be handled in a formal world that merely involves the manipulation of forms, spaces, and surfaces.
Following that, I read Auguste Choisy’s Histoire De L’Architecture (1899), which chose drawings of some structures that also showed their building processes. I was so impressed by the book’s bird’s-eye and worm’s-eye sectional axonometrics that showed both spaces and supports. It is a technique that I still use when sketching. These drawings made me realize that we always need to think about the entire components of the space together with the plan.
I also read the French translation of Robert Venturi’s Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture(1966; De L’Ambiguite En Architecture). It is an important book as it warns the mind, which is busy creating spaces, about the use of these spaces. I remember being impressed with the way Venturi refers to the normal behaviors of everyday life to discuss space. I realized through reading this book that architecture is not about building structures; it is more about designing spaces, which allow us to live in an organized fashion. I remember how enlightened I felt after reading how staircases not only work as circulation systems, but also as spaces as one may sit on their steps and have a chat.
October 1, 2014

Emre Arolat
Founding Partner, EAA - Emre Arolat Architects
Istanbul, Turkey

Without any doubt, this classic work, which has been republished numerous times, is one of the most influential sources on modern architectural thought. Sigfried Giedion (1888 – 1968) was an important historian and a significant actor in the Modern Movement. He was the first secretary-general of the International Congresses of Modern Architecture (CIAM) in 1928, and had very close contacts with the pioneers of Modern Architecture. All this makes this book very enticing.
A Pattern Language, which is the second in a three-book series that Alexander wrote, had a very assuasive effect on me during my university studies. I remember the comfort and confidence I felt when I finished reading this book as I was struggling with other cumbersome texts. As a very rough summary, I can describe it as a long text that uses several scales, different ranges, and various instruments to scan the whole architectural field and build a perceptible working document about designing and constructing the various elements of the built environment.
“La Tendenza” was the pioneering international architectural movement that came out of Italy in the post-war period. As a practicing architect, Rossi was the leader of this movement, but he also was an influential theorist. The Architecture of the City is his major written work and is a critique of the Modern Movement that focuses on cities and emphasizes the collective memory and the public realm. I remember how as a university student I had a lot of difficulty reading this book in French. I found it boring and confusing. A few years later, I tried to read it in English, but still found it boring, and I realized that the problem was not with the language in which I read it. Just like his buildings, Rossi’s writings are important and deserve to be considered very carefully, but they are not easy to live with. Despite that, this book is one of my all-time favorites, as is the case with most of Rossi’s buildings.
Some say that Lynch’s The Image of the City is as important as Camillo Sitte’s The Art of Building Cities. Others find it too formalistic. It is one of my favorite writings about large-scale design theory. This easy to follow book discusses environmental images in our urban lives by mostly analyzing the central areas of three American cities: Boston, Jersey City, and Los Angeles, and by focusing on the evaluation of city form. In addition to the readability of whole text, its images, maps and other graphics are extremely clear and informative.
I find this book by far the most useful and impressive source about early modern Turkish Architecture. Architectural historian Sibel Bozdogan expresses the cultural history of a very critical period in the evolution of modern Turkey, which begins with the 1908 Young Turk Revolution and extends until 1950, when Kemal Ataturk’s Republican People’s Party was first voted out of power. The text is very valuable not only because of the information it provides us about the architectural approaches of this era, but also because it sheds light on the complex relationship that took place between modernity and nationalism in Turkey.
This work by Juhani Pallasmaa is a significant criticism of the domination of sight over the other four senses in architectural culture and design. The book is a revelation for its readers, and it provides new and fresh insights regarding architectural culture.
This collection of writings includes essays by more than forty important historians, critics, and architects, including Christopher Alexander, Alan Colquhoun, B. V. Doshi, Kenneth Frampton, Sigfried Giedion, Le Corbusier, Richard Neutra, Suha Ozkan, Juhani Pallasmaa, and James Stirling. The book provides a very useful exploration of the concept of regionalist thinking in architecture, which is extremely important today as the notion and sense of “place” is being rapidly crushed and blurred under the influence of global neo-liberalism.
September 7, 2014

Nora Akawi
Curator, Studio X, Amman LabColumbian University Middle East Research Center, Columbia Global Centers
Amman, Jordan
This volume was my first encounter, as a first-year architecture student, with architectural theory. The texts included here provided me with the tools to begin exploring the relationship between architecture and politics.
This book was recommended to me by my advisor, Professor Felicity Scott, as I was working on my thesis focusing on the political role of the archive in imagining alternative political and spatial organization. This book, which culminated from a symposium held at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg in 1998, made it impossible to think about the politics of the archive in Palestine without studying the South African experience. This might, at first glance, seem irrelevant to the built environment, unless we understand the city as the surface of inscription of events and cultures. The process of selecting of the narratives which are to take part in the official archive of a place or a state (whether through the preservation of places, documents, or oral histories), and consequently the erasure (destruction) of those rendered invisible, directly shapes our built environment.
Illustrating the impossibility of democracy without conflict, Jacques Rancière offers the tools to explore and experiment with visual representations of the multiplicity of (conflicting) narratives existing within a territory, and of the stages where those left "unselected" from the official archive (see above) are given space to perform.
I only regret getting to this book as late as I did. I wish I would have had it accompany me from the first day I began my journey as an architecture student.
Orhan Pamuk, The Museum of Innocence, 2008
Since this list is meant to contain books rather than film, this one stands for fiction and the city. Whether through films or novels, I want to stress the importance of the narrative and the experiential in portraying or imagining a place and exploring the political, economic, and social forces that shape it.

August 4, 2014

Tuesday, October 21


Rebel Architecture Series by Aljazeera news agency 

Published on Aug 19, 2014

Santiago Cirugeda is a subversive architect from Seville who has dedicated his career to reclaiming urban spaces for the public.In austerity-hit Spain where the state has retreated and around 500,000 new buildings lie empty, "people are doing things their own way," says Cirugeda. "In times of crisis, people come together to find collective solutions."So, can Spanish self-build legend Santiago Cirugeda turn an abandoned factory into a vibrant cultural centre?

At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.'
Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on.
We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected news and current affairs channels.

Published on Sep 9, 2014
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe

Vo Trong Nghia attempts to return greenery to Vietnam's choking cities and design affordable homes for poor communities.

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At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.'
Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on.
We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected news and current affairs channels.

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Published on Sep 16, 2014
Architect Kunle Adeyemi sets out to solve the issues of flooding and overcrowding in Nigeria's waterside slums.

Published on Sep 2, 2014
Eyal Weizman explains architecture's key role in the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the evolution of urban warfare.

At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.'
Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on.
We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected news and current affairs channels.

Published on Aug 26, 2014
Pakistani architect Yasmeen Lari uses local building techniques to rebuild villages in the flood-stricken Sindh region.

Published on Sep 23, 2014
Informal builder Ricardo de Oliviera struggles with the government's plan for the future of Rio's Rocinha favela.

At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.'
Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on.
We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected news and current affairs channels.