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A blogging space about my personal interests; was made during training in Stockholm #Young Leaders Visitors Program #Ylvp08 it developed into a social bookmarking blog.

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p.s. sharing is usually out of interest not Blind praise.
This is neither sacred nor political.

Friday, June 12

Feminist theory, practices and actions can lead to innovative solutions on internet governance

Feminist theory, practices and actions can lead to innovative solutions on internet governance

Tuesday 14 Aug 2007, Flavia Fascendini

Civil society entities, academic figures and government officials met in Sao Paulo during the first few days of July to participate in the first seminar of the preparatory process for the meeting of the Internet Governance Forum, with the aim of developing proposals to take to that forum next November. Amongst the presentations, the talk “Internet governance and issues of gender” by gender and ICT expert Magaly Pazello stood out. Gender IT.org interviewed her about the political challenges women face regarding access to ICT infrastructure, as well as the coming landscape as the IGF meeting in November approaches.

The first seminar of the preparatory process for the meeting of the Internet Governance Forum was held in Sao Paulo with civil society entities, researchers and government officials to develop proposals for the Forum meeting, to be held November 12-15 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The preparatory seminar was organized by the Research, Study and Learning Center of the Information Network for the Third Sector.

The next seminar will be held in September and will address topics such as “rights and freedom on the internet”, “physical infrastructure, network neutrality and connection costs”, “infrastructure logic” and “privacy”.

During this first event the topics addressed included “possible governance models”, “open patterns” and “access to knowledge”. Discussions around gender were not absent: the panel “Internet governance and issues of gender” was led by gender and ICT expert Magaly Pazello (1), representing the women’s networking support programme of APC and, it is worth noting, the only Brazilian woman who participated in the comprehensive process of the world summit on the information society (WSIS).

Flavia Fascendini: From a gender perspective, what are the primary challenges in terms of access, with an emphasis on infrastructure, in the region of Latin America?

Magaly Pazello: There are several ways into that question, given that the infrastructure has several layers, each with its own regulations and specific challenges. From a gender perspective we can ask how the processes for citizen participation in the elaboration of public policies for full access, and for development strategies in the sector, have been carried out.

A gender perspective allows us to ask about relations of power and how the interests involved impact the lives of people (especially low-income people). Though, mind you, gender is not a synonym for women, during the entire WSIS we kept facing a regression in thinking and language in which gender was indeed reduced to women. This is a discursive move with the intent, and result, of weakening actions for gender equality and women’s rights.

Coming back to the issue of infrastructure, the main challenge is obviously to provide access to all and guarantee that the infrastructure be developed such that it reaches people in all areas, including those that live in isolated areas (islands, rural areas, jungle, towns, desert areas and less privileged urban areas) at an accessible cost. That is the mantra we have been preaching for quite some time now.

Let me tell you about something interesting that happened during the WSIS process. I participated in the meetings organized by Brazil’s telecommunications regulatory agency (ANATEL). In one meeting scheduled as a debate of the proposals put forward by the “construction” sector (as the Telecoms were called) one of the representatives of the private sector, in the middle of the debate, asked the people in the room: “what would this debate about access be like if citizens demanded of Telecoms and the big U.S. corporations, who have the power to establish connection costs, and examination of the entire system using the lens of the strategies and arguments put forward by HIV/AIDS groups to guarantee universal access to treatment and medications?”

The man who put this question on the table did so based on a comparison between the two situations. This is quite interesting for several reasons.

First of all, because the struggle to face HIV/AIDS became a frame of reference for the debate regarding cost/access/citizenship/rights.

Secondly, because there is, in a way, a pattern. That is to say, the poorest countries pay the highest connectivity fees, as happens with medications. The negotiating power of small and isolated countries is completely unequal to that of countries with a strong consumer market. So too, people’s access to the rights and material and immaterial goods in society is unequal.

Thirdly, because if even a high level administrator in a Telecom is capable of asking this question in a public meeting convened by the regulatory agency – emphasizing that this is a value that should inform the entire debate – well there is something interesting there that we should explore more carefully.

What is the understanding of the “gender dimension” that is at work here, in terms of infrastructure as much as access? In the planning of infrastructure there are different levels, from oceanic cables, satellites, to the cooperatives and small and medium-sized businesses that provide internet access services and VOIP. Instead of considering access to be simply a matter of infrastructure I suggest that we focus equally on the different services related to the matter. That is to say, I think I prefer to respond to part of these questions by focusing on services.

Flavia Fascendini: What level of participation have women had in the design of infrastructure and technology? Are there women in this field? In what roles?

Magaly Pazello: I have no idea what the level of participation by women, for example of women engineers in the Telecoms or the technology development firms in the sector. I would have to look at the statistics, and even so, this is another problem because there are not statistics gathered in the field which could provide much information on the topic of women and gender inequality in the sectors related to information technologies, internet Telecoms, etc… Surely there are some good number that begin their studies in this field, few that continue on in the profession, and fewer still who rise to decision-making roles - because this is the situation that we face everyday: widening women’s participation. We know that the number of women in computer science has gone down a few percentage points.

Flavia Fascendini: What needs to be done for women to gain real access to ICTs?

Magaly Pazello: We need to increase the number of young women interested in the sector and guarantee that there is no discrimination based on gender. Guarantee the existence of mechanisms that promote gender equality in the private and public sector so that women can reach the highest positions. Improve the quality of teaching, especially in mathematics, sciences, languages and literature. They need to be capable of both carrying out mathematical operations and dreaming, flying on the wings of the imagination. Understand the technology as part of the everyday, and not as an auratic object. Stimulate best practices through technology with a special focus on non-sexist practices. And keep an eye out for video games that are very violent in terms of gender-based violence and violence towards women and children.

Flavia Fascendini: As far as the Internet Governance Forum to be held in Rio de Janeiro this year, 2007 …

Magaly Pazello: This will be an even more important meeting than the one in Athens. In 2006 the IGF made its debut, which was like a touch-base meeting where the issues that were not resolved at the WSIS were put back on the table.

For Rio de Janeiro there is an attempt to widen the topics of debate as well as to have discussions about establishing accords. It is important to understand what the mandate of the IGF forum is, because it seems that is still a source of confusion and leads to quite different expectations.

Amongst the aspects most important to civil society are the guarantee that the principle of multisectoriality be fully observed and implemented, insuring mechanisms for effective participation by civil society, especially from the economic south, through internet resources as much as face to face meetings.

As far as clashes from the perspective of women and of feminists, we see that the number of conservative actors is on the increase – several coming from fundamentalist Christian sectors – in debates regarding internet governance. Feminist theory, practices and actions in can lead to new perspectives and innovative solutions in the governance field. To do so we would have to establish and create a permanent feminist dialogue forum, studies and proposals regarding the topic of internet governance.

This interest by conservative and fundamentalist sectors is nothing new. A more significant presence by these groups results in the capture of the debate regarding pornography, child pornography, and pedophilia by moralist and controlling positions against rights to information and freedom of expression. By discursively operating “in favour of” the child victims of cybercrimes, in reality they are advocating for an agenda of limiting rights, a strategy that should be monitored and disarmed.

In Brazil now there is a debate regarding proposed legislation that would control all persons access to the internet, be it to access their own email or to navigate to any website. The proposal, according to analysts, does not contain any mention of human rights. Quite to the contrary, it proposes tremendous limitations for internet navigation. It even proposes that each person give personal information before accessing any site, a proposal completely disconnected from reality and the best practices in the field. To restrict all people by assuming that we are all potentially dangerous is not going to “clean” the network of the criminal actions of pedophiles. This is simply one example of the type of discourse that we find when we begin to analyze and understand what forces and interests are at play.

This article is translated from the original version written in Spanish GenderIT.org


Friday, June 5

Security and Climate Change

Security and Climate Change: Together at Last!

Just an hour ago we got a dispatch from our partners who have been working hard to get a resolution passed by the UN Security Council. It's a resolution that draws the link--strongly--between climate and international security issues. Here's the dispatch from Tekau Frere (small island advocate and French Polynesian) about the latest developments:

Sea level rise, increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme events, destruction of coral reefs, soil erosion, salinization of soils and fresh water reserves, changes in precipitation patterns, spread of vector-borne diseases, etc, are some of the current and projected impacts used by scientists, community members, governments, or organizations to demonstrate the reality of climate on small islands. Yet, despite the numerous graphic images, reports, or documentaries, the alarmist bell has been rung in vacuum. The fate of many island nations, especially atoll nations such as Tuvalu, Kiribati, or the Maldives, has been used as a matter of sensational news. The international climate change negotiations never truly discussed how climate change would impact the existence, thus security of these nations.

For small island nations, climate change is an existential threat. Representatives of these countries have been seeking the help of the international community for years. Despite their multiple and repetitive shout out for assistance, they never received a concrete echo. Tired of waiting and thriving to get their plight heard, a group of 12 island nations at the United Nations, the Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS), decided to act and move the international community.

The PSIDS drafted a resolution which is now strong of more than 80 co-sponsors. Entitled “the possible implications of climate change on security”, this ground breaking resolution urges all relevant organs of the UN to intensify their efforts in dealing with climate change and its consequences. It also asks the Secretary General to submit a report to the general assembly on the security implications of climate change.

Although no blue helmet will be sent to small islands to stop the waters from rising, the text demonstrates the commitment of the international community to recognize that climate change is not just a development issue. It recognizes that this global and multi-sector challenge needs to be dealt with the entire spectrum of UN organs and, thus, opens the door to more climate related actions.

Small islands contribute the least to climate change, yet they suffer the most. Their small sizes and small economies may not make them focal international actors, but their passion, perseverance, and legitimacy in this matter have inscribed them as protagonists in the issue of climate change. Although the negotiation process was certainly challenging, they succeeded in sharing their plight and overcoming national interests. Thanks to the support and strong assistance from their initial co-sponsors, they achieve a significant and admirable victory. This resolution proves that with a little political will and willingness to communicate, there is hope in climate negotiations.


e n v i r o n m e n t

It's world's environment day 05 06 2009 .. and Damascus 's celebrating it by positive initiatives by Youth organizations in Syria Shams [shabab muthaqaf souri] and Sydra for syria and it was posted by SYDRA for Syria, the group is also participating in .. ( Improving the Environment of Damascus city)
• World environment day ( 5-6-2009) • An exhibition of children (on the environment and climatic changes-it will be held in the garden of the Syrian association of environment- next to the castle of Damascus) (24-6-2009) • The international day to volunteer (5-10-2009) • International Exhibition for Environment (10-10-2009) • Awareness lectures in schools (in both theoretical and practical sides).

Monday, May 11

Water Management in Syria

Water Management in Syria

From a Gift of God to a Valuable Economic Factor

Syria is the most arid country in the watershed of the Euphrates and Tigris. To alleviate the situation, Germany is pumping € 130 million into the Syrian water sector. Kristin Helberg reports on the work of German engineers in Damascus and Aleppo
Annely Korte sits in her sparsely furnished office in the Damascus waterworks and plans a workshop on the topic of wastewater. The four large water treatment plants in Syria are not maintained effectively enough, says Korte. "Instead of taking preventative measures, action is taken only after a breakdown," explains the 47-year-old, who works for the German Development Service (DED) in Syria.
A German specialist in wastewater treatment has the job of showing Syrian colleagues how to avoid emergencies by conducting routine control checks, doing regular clean-ups, and setting up a spare parts depot.  

A dried out paradise
Just a five-minute walk from Korte's office in the center of Damascus flows the Barada, or all that remains of the once-mighty river – a narrow, odorous trickle of water. Fed from the Anti-Lebanon Mountains, the Barada made Damascus into a fertile oasis in the middle of a stone desert. At one time, its clear water flowed through the city's green gardens and fruit orchards – hence Damascus' moniker as "paradise on earth." By the middle of the 20th century, there wasn't sufficient water for the city's rapidly growing population, and illegal wells were dug everywhere within the city limits, resulting in a sinking of the ground water table. Even today, unfiltered sewage water is seeping into the ground and contaminating the water below.  

Wasteful use of water
Not only Damascus, but the whole of Syria is lacking an effective management system for water resources, says Johannes Wolfer, who works in the area surrounding Damascus on behalf of the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR).  According to the hydrologist, Syria has a relatively large amount of water for the region, but it is distributed very unevenly and therefore must be managed more carefully. Valuable drinking water should not be used to wash cars or irrigate fruit trees. "In the long term, Syria has to move away from agriculture," says the specialist. In comparison to agriculture, more income can be generated though industry, tourism, and the service sector – with less use of water.

ven Majid Daud, a Syrian engineer who had studied in Germany and worked thirty years for the Ministry of Irrigation in Damascus, criticizes the wasteful use of water in agriculture. The government wants to remain as independent as possible from food imports, so it encourages the domestic cultivation of sugar beets, which require vast volumes of water. One kilogram of Syrian sugar costs five times as much as the world market price, explains Daud, who therefore feels Syria should import instead of producing sugar.  
A new pricing system
The Syrian end-user, who until recently had to pay only one cent per cubic meter of water, must also do some rethinking. As the government can cover only half of the supply costs, a new pricing system has been introduced. Since 1 November 2007, the first 15 cubic meters of water will cost 3.5 euro cents each and subsequent consumption is charged in stages priced from three to twelve times as high. The reason that price increases were not implemented sooner is due to cultural reasons, explains Majid. "Traditionally, Syrians regard water as a gift from God," says the engineer, "and one should therefore not charge money for it." On the other hand, one should not waste a heavenly gift, argues Ute Al Tayep, who works for the DED in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo and for months has attempted to convince her neighbours to be more economical with water when cleaning the staircase. "Houses are cleaned by spraying them from top to bottom with a hose," says the 29-year-old. The city is also facing an enormous water supply problem.   
A public awareness campaign
In contrast to Damascus, Aleppo does not have its own source of water, but must transport its water from the Euphrates 120 kilometers away. By 2009, the water main, built in 2004, will no longer meet the needs of the city and its millions of inhabitants.  This is why per capita water consumption has been lowered from 130 to 80 liters a day. Al Tayep with a team from the waterworks began a public awareness campaign that addressed private homes, the authorities, schools, and religious leaders.  The German specialist was particularly impressed by the interest and support shown by Aleppo's approximately one hundred imams. "We had to hold the workshop between prayer sessions, because the imams had to hurry back to their mosques on time to head the noon prayers," said the young woman.  
Difficult time management
Al Tayep is satisfied with her colleagues, even though she had to get used to their flexible working hours. State workers in Syria only earn about 120 euros a month, so they usually require additional jobs in order to feed their families. As a result, they only work three to four hours in the water treatment plant, often leaving the German expert alone on the site. "It is something you just have to accept," says Al Tayep. She claims that it wouldn't achieve anything for a German expert to demand that everyone stayed at their posts from 8 to 3. "Then no one at all would work with me." Instead, she expects that her colleagues at least let her know when they will be at work so that she can plan her activities. 
Respect for women experts
While Al Tayep, like most German experts, complains about the Syrian bureaucracy, Annely Korte praises the cooperation she enjoys with the authorities in Damascus as "impeccable." Her personal relations with Syrians has been good, stresses the 47-year-old. Her job is to establish a countrywide network of engineers, and, in socialist Syria, this often means dealing with women engineers. She is taken seriously and respected as a woman, says Korte. As far as prejudices are concerned, she sees no difference between German and Syrian men. When responding to the concerns of her male colleagues in Germany about whether she gets along with Arabs, the engineer has a simple answer. "Arabs? They're only men."  

Kristin Helberg © Qantara.de 2008 Translated from the German by John Bergeron

International Women’s Media Foundation Fellowships 2009-201

The International Women’s Media Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2009-10 Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship, named for the 1998 IWMF Courage in Journalism Award winner and Boston Globe correspondent who was killed in Iraq in May 2003. This program, created with Neuffer’s family and friends, aims to perpetuate her memory and advance her life mission of promoting international understanding of human rights and social justice while creating an opportunity for women journalists to build their skills.
One woman journalist will be selected to spend an academic year in a tailored program with access to Boston-area universities as well as the Boston Globe and New York Times. The flexible structure of the program will provide the fellow with opportunities to pursue academic research and hone her reporting skills covering topics related to human rights. The fellow may also participate in the Elizabeth Neuffer Forum on Human Rights and Journalism.
The Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship is open to women journalists whose focus is human rights and social justice. A successful applicant will be dedicated to a career in journalism in print, broadcast or online media and will show a strong commitment to sharing knowledge and skills with colleagues upon the completion of the fellowship. Excellent written and spoken English skills are required. A stipend will be provided, and expenses, including airfare and housing, will be covered.
Applications will be accepted until April 15, 2009, and the fellowship will run from September 2009 – May 2010.
For further information, visit www.iwmf.org/neuffer or e-mail neuffer@iwmf.org. Applications are available at https://www.iwmf.org/neufferapplication.aspx.
Founded in 1990, the International Women’s Media Foundation is a vibrant global network dedicated to strengthening the role of women in the news media worldwide as a means to further freedom of the press. The IWMF network includes women and men in the media in more than 130 countries worldwide. For more information, visit www.iwmf.org.

Sunday, May 3


Electrical engineering students at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands have created the world’s largest 3D-display. The display consists of 8,000 suspended ping pong balls that each contain a red LED light. It play games of 3D snake, 3D pong, and 3D duckhunt, as wll as displaying SMS messages and simple animations. 4 kilometres of copper wire, 3 kilos of solder, a couple of hundred metres of aluminium and eight printed circuit boards. http://www.interactivearchitecture.org/worlds-largest-3d-display.html

Saturday, April 25

LEED 2009 to Include LEED Credits for Regional Environmental Priorities

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has released the LEED regional credits as part of LEED 2009, the new version of the LEED Green Building Rating System. These LEED credits encourage that specific regional environmental priorities be addressed when it comes to the design, construction and operations of buildings in different geographic locations. "Because environmental priorities differ among various regions of the country-the challenges in the Southeast differ from those in the Northwest, for example-regionally specific credits give LEED a way to directly respond to diverse, regionally grounded issues," said Brendan Owens, Vice President of Technical Development, USGBC. "The inclusion of these regional LEED credits is the Council's first step toward addressing regional environmental issues." With the help of USGBC's regional councils, chapters and affiliates, credits addressing six specific environmental issues within a region were identified from among the existing LEED credits. In LEED 2009, LEED projects will be able to earn "bonus points" for implementing green building strategies that address the important environmental issues facing their region. A project can be awarded afour extra points, one point each for achieving up to four of the six priority credits.

Affordable And Green: Sandbag Houses // Cape Town // South Africa // MMA Architects”

MMA Architects completed a home built out of timber and sandbags and became the winner of the Curry Stone Foundation Prize this year. The prize is awarded to individuals or groups that create architecture that has the potential to make positive changes in a community by offering shelter, community health, peace, or clean water, air and food. This sandbag house was built for a mere $6,000, making it affordable for low-income housing. The design also utilizes uncomplicated techniques- and was constructed with the help of its future residents who were able to gain a sense of ownership through the building process.

While these homes are not necessarily decked out with solar panels and energy-efficient insulation, the design and construction of the home takes advantage of techniques that conserve money and resources. First, the home uses inexpensive local materials which cuts down on transportation. Second, the home utilizes Eco Beams, a system of building that replaces brick-and-mortar with sandbags. The system is reported to be just as strong as a brick system and uses less timber than traditional construction.

The home is the first in a community of 10 other homes to be built in Freedom Park, near Cape Town in South Africa. The homes are the result of the 10×10 Housing Project, a project challenging 10 architecture teams to develop plans for low-cost housing.

Luyunda Mpahlwa has said that he plans on using the prize money- $100,000- to build more of these homes, and to send underprivileged students to architecture school.




Affordable And Green: Sandbag Houses // Cape Town // South Africa // MMA Architects”

MMA Architects completed a home built out of timber and sandbags and became the winner of the Curry Stone Foundation Prize this year. The prize is awarded to individuals or groups that create architecture that has the potential to make positive changes in a community by offering shelter, community health, peace, or clean water, air and food. This sandbag house was built for a mere $6,000, making it affordable for low-income housing. The design also utilizes uncomplicated techniques- and was constructed with the help of its future residents who were able to gain a sense of ownership through the building process.

While these homes are not necessarily decked out with solar panels and energy-efficient insulation, the design and construction of the home takes advantage of techniques that conserve money and resources. First, the home uses inexpensive local materials which cuts down on transportation. Second, the home utilizes Eco Beams, a system of building that replaces brick-and-mortar with sandbags. The system is reported to be just as strong as a brick system and uses less timber than traditional construction.

The home is the first in a community of 10 other homes to be built in Freedom Park, near Cape Town in South Africa. The homes are the result of the 10×10 Housing Project, a project challenging 10 architecture teams to develop plans for low-cost housing.

Luyunda Mpahlwa has said that he plans on using the prize money- $100,000- to build more of these homes, and to send underprivileged students to architecture school.



Monday, April 20

Low2No-A Sustainable Development Design Competition

Low2No-A Sustainable Development Design Competition
Register: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Submit: Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The built environment is now the largest negative factor in the stability of ecosystems and the climate.  And as populations become increasingly urbanized, the evolution of cities will largely shape the outcome of our long dependence on natural resources.  Two pathways of evolution are evident: an urban society that is in balance with the environment, or one that has depleted available natural capital.  The decisions that will direct this evolution over the next 50-100 years are being made now.

It is clear that no single organization, profession or nation can achieve the goals of sustainable global development.  It will require an architecture of solutions including low/no carbon buildings; sustainable economic systems; enhanced/targeted mobility; sustainable planning and energy policies; resilient social systems (access, equity and capacity), among countless others.

Recognizing the need and opportunity to significantly improve sustainable building development practices, Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund—in collaboration with the City of Helsinki—is launching a sustainable development design competition.  The competition will be launched March 31, 2009 with a global request for qualifications.  The goal is to attract and identify the best teams to design a large building complex on an approximately 3/4 hectare site on the reclaimed goods harbour at the western edge of Helsinki’s central business district.

Given that the repertoire of sustainable urban development models is still in its infancy, the question of “who & how” is our question of first order.  WHO: We believe that identifying the best team and approach is the key factor impacting the long term quality and robustness of the final solution.  HOW: Our sustainable development design competition is designed to seek approaches for four central objectives applied at the scale of a city block:

1. energy efficiency 2. low/no carbon emissions 3. high architectural, spatial and social value

4. sustainable materials and methods

As part of their proposals, entrants must also consider the context and dynamics beyond the city block that will impact the project in the near and long terms.  As such we will select teams with a robust and mixed set of competencies (such as architecture, engineering, economics, landscape, technology, urban planning and energy infrastructure), representing the mix of stakeholders and issues at play in urban development.  We expect that architects will lead these teams in most cases, but are open to other team configurations.

Our program is a mixed-use development that includes: headquarters for an innovation driven organization; housing; retail; and potentially other programs that support a sustainable approach to urban development. 

Our site is located on 100 hectares of reclaimed land known as Jätkäsaari.  The relocation of Helsinki’s port facilities to the eastern edge of the city in 2008 has initiated the largest transformation of land use in the city since the industrial era.  As many as six large areas in metropolitan Helsinki, including Jätkäsaari, are in various stages of planning as a result. 

Jätkäsaari will be developed over the next two decades to house 16.000 residents, 6.000 jobs, offices and public services.  Several new tram line extensions will provide access to the city centre only three kilometres away while parking space and vehicular traffic will be minimized through a mobility management plan.

It is our intention to stimulate innovation in sustainable architecture, energy efficiency, and city-building solutions.  We hope that a model of sustainable urbanism emerges from the proposals that will not only serve the City of Helsinki and its inhabitants, but more broadly, be a learning model for development globally.

Visit: http://www.low2no.org/competition/ for more details.  A summary of the competition is available here (PDF).


Dreamland: Architectural Experiments Since the 1970s

Rem Koolhaas's watercolor Plan of Dreamland (1977), a recent acquisition, is the point of departure for this presentation of selections from the Architecture and Design collection. The 1970s saw an explosion of architectural thought and experimentation-with the city, and New York especially, becoming a screen for the projection of architectural fantasies and utopias. The installation includes documentation of the real projects that resulted from these innovative ideas and experiments, including such traditional building types as single-family houses and skyscrapers. Also featured are works by Raimund Abraham, Peter Eisenman, Steven Holl, Hans Hollein, and other well-known contemporary architects. Finally, the display presents a number of new acquisitions, including works by Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Diller + Scofidio, and Simon Ungers.

Saturday, April 18

Architectural Damascene rose

Dramatic discovery centre leads way for Syrian educational programme

As one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities, Damascus represents discovery all by itself. Evoking the necessity to embrace this spirit are the statistics - 40% of the Syrian population is under the age of 14. Embarking on a revolutionary project for the historical city are Henning Larsen Architects, Martha Schwartz Partners and engineers Buro Happold who will work together to create the dramatic Massar Children’s Discovery Centre and public park in the heart of Damascus.

The Massar project’s ambition is to create better educational opportunities for young people. The centre will comprise various scientific thematic exhibitions for children aged 5-15. The discovery centre – designed by Henning Larsen Architects - is located on a 170,000 sq m river bed site. It is located centrally in walking distance from Damascus’ historic city centre with the Umayyad Mosque and university, national opera and national museum in close proximity.

Louis Becker, Design Director of Henning Larsen Architects, said: “The discovery centre’s form is inspired by the unique Damascus rose. The shape provides shade and natural ventilation in the building. Its centre forms a large communal space. This is where the children will meet, share their knowledge and develop new ideas together. The idea of the project is to create a park which features a quilt of activities interwoven with the discovery centre. The visitors will be led through several intimate spatial experiences addressing all the senses. Water will be current theme – both as activity and as a visualisation of sustainable measures and educational media.”

Martha Schwartz Partners Ltd will provide the public realm and landscape design for the project. Based on the site of the old international fairground, the public realm acts as a ‘culture corridor’, connecting the public space of the Discovery Centre with nearby cultural venues. Lorraine Landels, Senior Principal at Martha Schwartz Partners, said: “This is a landmark project as the park and the discovery centre will be the focus for a new Syrian educational programme, and one that will help us develop our portfolio as we work in the unique cultural climate of Damascus”.

Tom Hay, Buro Happold’s project leader said “This project is unique in that it gives the children of Syria the means to view the world around them through Syria’s incomparable cultural heritage. This is a milestone that will empower the children of Syria, and the Buro Happold Massar team feels proud and privileged to take part in this process.”


Peter Z

Peter Zumthor of Switzerland becomes the 2009 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate

from The Pritzker Architecture Prize

” Los Angeles, CA—Peter Zumthor of Switzerland has been chosen as the 2009  Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. The formal ceremony for what has come to be known throughout the world as architecture’s highest honor will be held on May 29 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At that time, a $100,000 grant and a bronze medallion will be bestowed on the 65-year old architect….

Although most of his work is in Switzerland, he has designed projects in Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, England, Spain, Norway, Finland and the United States. His most famous work is in Vals, Switzerland — the Thermal Baths, which has been referred to by the press as “his masterpiece.” Most recently critics have praised his Field Chapel to Saint Nikolaus von der Flüe near Cologne, Germany. The jury singled out not only those buildings, but also the Kolumba Museum in Cologne, calling the latter “a startling contemporary work, but also one that is completely at ease with its many layers of history.”

Friday, April 17

Democratic Design: IKEA


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via Dexigner Design Portal on 4/15/09

Democratic Design: IKEA"The aesthetic form is there for all. And not just for the museum!"


Things you can do from here:


Provide leadership

How can local authorities lead the way?

There are eight main ways in which local authority leadership can really influence climate change and sustainability outcomes:

  • policymaker– interpreting national policy and guidance and formulating policy at the local scale to deliver climate change objectives and the sustainable community strategy. Key policies include the local area agreement, the local development framework and the core strategy plus a significant masterplanning role through area action plans and supplementary planning documents
  • planning authority – the negotiating and consent-giving roles of local authorities in the planning process can have a big influence on both new build and refurbishment
  • building control authority, setting, overseeing and signing off the standards for new development
  • social landlord – local authorities may have control over a vast stock of existing housing and a considerable amount of new build and refurbishment
  • client for new public buildings – including town halls, schools, leisure centres and community centres with opportunities to provide benchmarks of good practice in their design and management
  • asset manager for existing buildings and open spaces, with opportunities for sustainable refurbishment and maintenance that reduces emissions and increases adaptability to a changing climate
  • leader in local strategic partnerships in delivering effective services and resource management and working with private and public partners to provide a solid base for sustainable communities and local economies
  • advisor to communities on how to live, work and play more sustainably, reducing their ecological footprint and building their resilience to a changing climate.

You can find out more about leading on energywastewatertransportgreen infrastructure and public space on this website



MVRDV architects: taipei performing arts center international competition here is dutch firm  MVRDV architects proposal for the TPAC - taipei performing  art center international competition. their design received an honorable mention. with their design the three theaters are covered by a blanket proposed to be made  of sprayed insulated concrete (with substantial sustainable potential) and covered with PU polished painting, giving it a subtle glance. the inside of the blanket is covered with mirrors creating a reflective environment for the audience. the blanket is punctured with glass windows that form a line pattern that is derived from a traditional taiwanese piece of textile. this pattern illuminates the foyer  during the day.