AUB panel
Reflections on Citizen Revolt in the Middle East
A diverse academic panel from the American University of Beirut completed a three-day speaking tour at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York on May 17.
The aspirations of the individuals involved in the protests across the Middle East are ones that would resonate in the United States a desire to have influence in their own society, to have personal liberty and opportunities for their future. These values also lie at the core of the liberal arts education that AUB has been providing from its home in Lebanon for almost 150 years. The speakers for this program are all experts from AUB who will consider rapidly changing issues in the Middle East through the lens of their particular specializations, including regional and international politics, the environment, the media, public health and food security. AUB has proven to be highly resilient and influential in a region of constant change and transformation.
Although located in the heart of the Middle East, staff and scholars at AUB could no more have predicted recent events than the diplomats, policymakers, intelligence officers, and other professional observers of the region. However, recent developments have given AUB an opportunity to observe, comment, and engage in unfolding events with an intimacy and immediacy, as well as with cultural and historical perspectives, that are unique. Although American both in origin and in the standards and quality of the education it provides, AUB is absolutely indigenous to the region.