
DE sign:
(Deconstructing in-order to find new meanings)

A blogging space about my personal interests; was made during training in Stockholm #Young Leaders Visitors Program #Ylvp08 it developed into a social bookmarking blog.

I studied #Architecture; interested in #Design #Art #Education #Urban Design #Digital-media #social-media #Inhabited-Environments #Contemporary-Cultures #experimentation #networking #sustainability & more =)

Please Enjoy, feedback recommended.

p.s. sharing is usually out of interest not Blind praise.
This is neither sacred nor political.

Friday, March 24

City Debates (at) AUB 2017

"City Debates 2017 explores the emergence of urban-based political movements in various national contexts where “the city” and/or some of its ingredients (e.g. housing, public space, services, livelihoods) have been serving as the basis for new forms of claims. By documenting comparatively these movements through profiling the actors, strategies, tools, networks of solidarity, forms of lesson sharing, and the frames through which claims have been formulated, the Debates seek to investigate critically and comparatively these new forms of collective action. We ask: Are we indeed witnessing emancipatory political claims or, to the contrary, a reduction of the horizons of the political to the minimal necessities of everyday life? Furthermore, as professionals of the built environment, how do such movements affect our practice? How do they change the premises and assumptions of our profession? On what grounds should we engage such social movements and the spaces they create? What can we learn from their tactics and strategies? ..."

2017 Sous les Pavés, la Plage…
Itineraries of Urban Social Movements

excerpt of http://www.aub.edu.lb/fea/citydebates/Pages/2017/index.html#

Abstracts > http://www.aub.edu.lb/fea/citydebates/Pages/2017/abstracts.html

City Debates 2017 Opening

City Debates 2017 Panel 1: The 'Urban' in Social Movements

City Debates 2017 Panel 2: Alternative Urban Ideals

City Debates 2017 Panel 3 Discontent and Mobilization in the Face of Neoliberal Policies

City Debates 2017 Panel 4 Urban Social Movements and Local Governance

City Debates 2017 Panel 5 Urban Struggles at the Margins

City Debates 2017 Ananya Roy - The Politics of Space & Scale in the Age of Trumpism

City Debates 2017 Roundtable 1: Mobilization Experiences: Emerging Strategies and Frames

City Debates 2017 Roundtable 2: Towards an Urbanisme Engagé

City Debates 2017 Closing Panel Wrapping Up the Debates

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