Web Summit 2017
Web Summit 2017 - Day 1 - Centre Stage - When the machines outsmart us.. from Web Summit on Vimeo.
Max Tegmark, MIT physicist and researcher, president of the Future of Life Institute and the author of the new NY Times Bestseller "Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" presents the most provocative ideas from his book. Will machines outsmart us on all tasks within decades, as many industry leaders believe? If so, how can we make humanity flourish rather than flounder?
Max Tegmark
President, Future of Life Institute
Web Summit 2017 - Day 1 - Centre Stage - Will AI save us or destroy us? from Web Summit on Vimeo.
Will artificial intelligence spell the end of humanity? Let's ask two robots. Einstein and Sophia will debate what AI truly means for those of us made out of flesh and blood.
Professor Einstein Robot
Robot, Hanson Robotics
Sophia the Robot
Chief Humanoid, Hanson Robotics & SingularityNET
Ben Goertzel
Chief Scientist, Hanson Robotics & SingularityNET