We are pleased to announce that Pecha Kucha Damascus Vol. 1 will take place in March 2010.It’s a great opportunity to join people and show their work through Pecha Kucha Nights informal presentation system.
All creative fields are accepted, including - but not limited to - Architecture, Interior design, Product design, Web design, Graphic design, Fashion design, Furniture design, Illustration, Animation, Arts, Typography, Sculpture, Ceramics and Photography are invited to participate, and all good ideas are accepted.
To submit a presentation proposal to Pecha Kucha Nights Damascus Vol. 1, please email the following details to pkn.dam@gmail.com
Profession and Affiliation:
Short bio (300 words )
Short explanation of work you want to present (300 words )
3 low res. images of your work:
Mobile Phone Number:
Submissions for Pecha Kucha Damascus March 2010 event are due by February 20th .
If you can't make the deadline and are interested in taking part in subsequent Pecha Kucha Damascus nights, keep the applications rolling because they are always welcome.
6 minutes & 40 seconds of fame !!
Each participant stands and speaks in front of the audience - presenting 20 slides shown on a large screen, with each slide shown for 20 seconds, adding up to 6 minutes & 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up.
Pecha Kucha
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Japanese word for the sound of conversation. The equivalent Englishterm is "chit-chat".
(KDa), as a way to attract people to Super Deluxe, their experimental event space in Roppongi.[1]
Pecha Kucha Night events consist of around a dozen presentations, each presenter having 20 slides,
each shown for 20 seconds.
Each presenter has just 6 minutes 40 seconds to explain their ideas before the next presenter takes the stage.
Conceived as a venue through which young designers could meet, show their work, exchange ideas, and network,
the format keeps presentations concise, fast-paced and entertaining.
now running in more than 260 cities in almost every corner of the globe.