DE sign:
(Deconstructing in-order to find new meanings)
A blogging space about my personal interests; was made during training in Stockholm #Young Leaders Visitors Program #Ylvp08 it developed into a social bookmarking blog.
I studied #Architecture; interested in #Design #Art #Education #Urban Design #Digital-media #social-media #Inhabited-Environments #Contemporary-Cultures #experimentation #networking #sustainability & more =)
Please Enjoy, feedback recommended.
p.s. sharing is usually out of interest not Blind praise.
This is neither sacred nor political.
Saturday, June 26
فتح باب التقدم لبرنامج
المنح الإنتاجية للمشروعات الإبداعية للشبان والشابات العرب 2010
يهدف البرنامج إلى تشجيع ودعم جيل جديد من الفنانين والأدباء العرب، وذلك بتمويل مشروعاتهم الأولى وكذلك بتقديم المشورة الفنية والإنتاجية والإدارية لهم ومساعدتهم في إنتاج وترويج أعمالهم الإبداعية.
تقبل الطلبات المقدمة من فنانين وأدباء شبان من جميع البلاد العربية لإنتاج أعمال إبداعية في جميع المجالات الفنية والأدبية، وتتراوح قيمة المنحة الواحدة بين 500 و5000 دولار أو ما يقابلها بالعملات العربية. وترحب مؤسسة المورد الثقافي بالطلبات المقدمة من الإناث.
لا تقبل الطلبات المقدمة ممن حصلوا سابقاً على منحة إنتاجية من مؤسسة المورد الثقافي
إلا بعد مرور ثلاثة أعوام من تاريخ حصولهم على المنحة.
شروط التقدم للمنح الإنتاجية
1- أن يكون سن المتقدم/ة في أول يناير/ كانون ثاني 2011 بين 15 و35 سنة، ولن يتم النظر في طلبات من تعدوا هذا السن.
2- أن تقدم الطلبات باللغة العربية على الاستمارة المخصصة لذلك والموجودة على موقعنا www.mawred.org
3- أن يضم الطلب وصفاً تفصيليا للمشروع الفني أو الأدبي المطلوب تحقيقه لا يقل عن ثلاثة صفحات
4- أن يضم الطلب سيرة ذاتية مفصلة للمتقدم/ة
Friday, June 25
CDA creative dialogue . Damas
Creative Dialogue Association will be hosting workshops, seminars and Lectures in Damascus;
between the 25th > 27th of July and the application process is in progress.. check the website for more information..
Creative Dialogue Association will be hosting workshops, seminars and Lectures in Damascus;
between the 25th > 27th of July and the application process is in progress.. check the website for more information..
بمبادرة من جمعية الحوار الخلاّق في برشلونة و بدعم من المركز الثقافي الإسباني ، السفارة الإسبانية و وزارة الثقافة الإسبانية . و
بالتعاون مع نادي المبدعيين في مدريد و إتحاد المصممين في برشلونة ( فاد ) بدأ مشروع درب التصميم، و هو عبارة هي رحلة يقوم بها المصممون و المبدعون الإسبان من مجالات عدة إلى مدن مختلفة في الشرق الوسط و هي : عمان - دمشق- المنامة بقصد تبادل الخبرات مع غيرهم من المبدعيين من تلك الدول ، معاً في حوار خلاق مبدع . فعاليات درب التصميم هي : محاضرات حول الإبداع و التصميم بشكل عام معرض عن التصميم في مجالات مختلفة لستة مصممين إسبان ورشات عمل للطلاب و المصممين المحليين - إختصاصات ورشات عمل درب التصميم هي: تصميم الديكور تصميم الغرافيك ،تصميم الزهور،تصميم واجهات المحال التجا رية ،تصميم إعلاني و تصميم ثقافي. - كل ورشة عمل يشارك فيها 15 مصمم محلي تقريباً ،و يشرف عليها مصمم أوروبي مرموق، تستمر أسبوعاً كاملاً بمعدل 20 ساعة مكثفة ، تتضمن دروساً نظرية و عملية حيث سيعمل كل فريق على مشروع معين يتم تحديده من قبل المصمم المشرف. - ورشات العمل موجهة لأصحاب التجربة المسبقة-أو- الطلاب المختصين في إحدى الإختصاصات المذكورة. و تهدف الى خلق بيئة إبداعية جديدة مبنية على تبادل الخبرات بين المصمم المحلي و المصمم العالمي. درب التصميم فرصة نادرة للتحاور بين المصميمن العالميين و المصميمن العرب ، و ذلك لدعم ثقافة التصميم في البلاد العربية و رفدها بسبل تطورها و تشجعيها لتحتل دورها و مكانتها في الثقافة المحلية و أثرها المباشر في تحسين واقع إقتصاد المعرفة في الدول العربية
Monday, June 21
Narrow Dwelling
Narrow Dwelling
Flipping through some links on twitter i found this nice simple house design that introduced me to the Architect bassam El Okeil
The house's most interesting feature is the sculptured section behind the glass facade that's lighted in a very unique way..
Flipping through some links on twitter i found this nice simple house design that introduced me to the Architect bassam El Okeil
The house's most interesting feature is the sculptured section behind the glass facade that's lighted in a very unique way..
Submissions being accepted for PechaKucha Damascus 2010 Season
Call for Entries:
We are pleased to announce that Pecha Kucha Damascus Vol. 1 will take place in March 2010.It’s a great opportunity to join people and show their work through Pecha Kucha Nights informal presentation system.
All creative fields are accepted, including - but not limited to - Architecture, Interior design, Product design, Web design, Graphic design, Fashion design, Furniture design, Illustration, Animation, Arts, Typography, Sculpture, Ceramics and Photography are invited to participate, and all good ideas are accepted.
To submit a presentation proposal to Pecha Kucha Nights Damascus Vol. 1, please email the following details to pkn.dam@gmail.com
Profession and Affiliation:
Short bio (300 words )
Short explanation of work you want to present (300 words )
3 low res. images of your work:
Mobile Phone Number:
Submissions for Pecha Kucha Damascus March 2010 event are due by February 20th .
If you can't make the deadline and are interested in taking part in subsequent Pecha Kucha Damascus nights, keep the applications rolling because they are always welcome.
6 minutes & 40 seconds of fame !!
Each participant stands and speaks in front of the audience - presenting 20 slides shown on a large screen, with each slide shown for 20 seconds, adding up to 6 minutes & 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up.
We are pleased to announce that Pecha Kucha Damascus Vol. 1 will take place in March 2010.It’s a great opportunity to join people and show their work through Pecha Kucha Nights informal presentation system.
All creative fields are accepted, including - but not limited to - Architecture, Interior design, Product design, Web design, Graphic design, Fashion design, Furniture design, Illustration, Animation, Arts, Typography, Sculpture, Ceramics and Photography are invited to participate, and all good ideas are accepted.
To submit a presentation proposal to Pecha Kucha Nights Damascus Vol. 1, please email the following details to pkn.dam@gmail.com
Profession and Affiliation:
Short bio (300 words )
Short explanation of work you want to present (300 words )
3 low res. images of your work:
Mobile Phone Number:
Submissions for Pecha Kucha Damascus March 2010 event are due by February 20th .
If you can't make the deadline and are interested in taking part in subsequent Pecha Kucha Damascus nights, keep the applications rolling because they are always welcome.
6 minutes & 40 seconds of fame !!
Each participant stands and speaks in front of the audience - presenting 20 slides shown on a large screen, with each slide shown for 20 seconds, adding up to 6 minutes & 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up.
Pecha Kucha
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pecha Kucha (ペチャクチャ?), correctly pronounced in four syllables as "peh-cha koo-cha", is the onomatopoeic
Japanese word for the sound of conversation. The equivalent Englishterm is "chit-chat".
Japanese word for the sound of conversation. The equivalent Englishterm is "chit-chat".
Pecha Kucha Night was devised in 2003 by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Tokyo's Klein-Dytham Architecture
(KDa), as a way to attract people to Super Deluxe, their experimental event space in Roppongi.[1]
Pecha Kucha Night events consist of around a dozen presentations, each presenter having 20 slides,
each shown for 20 seconds.
Each presenter has just 6 minutes 40 seconds to explain their ideas before the next presenter takes the stage.
Conceived as a venue through which young designers could meet, show their work, exchange ideas, and network,
the format keeps presentations concise, fast-paced and entertaining.
(KDa), as a way to attract people to Super Deluxe, their experimental event space in Roppongi.[1]
Pecha Kucha Night events consist of around a dozen presentations, each presenter having 20 slides,
each shown for 20 seconds.
Each presenter has just 6 minutes 40 seconds to explain their ideas before the next presenter takes the stage.
Conceived as a venue through which young designers could meet, show their work, exchange ideas, and network,
the format keeps presentations concise, fast-paced and entertaining.
In 2004 PKN began running in a few cities in Europe, and has since become a worldwide phenomenon,
now running in more than 260 cities in almost every corner of the globe.
now running in more than 260 cities in almost every corner of the globe.
Saturday, April 24
Urban Villages replacing Slums
Urban Villages replacing Slums
Acupuncture architecture; urban villages., in Stockholm | Pecha Kucha for Haiti
I was so happy to see this clip on pecha kucha especially after publishing an article in 2009 about the subject & for being in discussion with friends regarding the building resolutions of the ever growing slums around Damascus back then I suggested going vertical instead of horizontal could be one way to solve it! Who knows!
But sure not on cracked mountains.
It's amazing sometimes to see how close our experiences on this planet could be. It's also great to see at least one succeed in making their contribution a reality.
Acupuncture architecture; urban villages., in Stockholm | Pecha Kucha for Haiti
I was so happy to see this clip on pecha kucha especially after publishing an article in 2009 about the subject & for being in discussion with friends regarding the building resolutions of the ever growing slums around Damascus back then I suggested going vertical instead of horizontal could be one way to solve it! Who knows!
But sure not on cracked mountains.
It's amazing sometimes to see how close our experiences on this planet could be. It's also great to see at least one succeed in making their contribution a reality.
Thursday, April 8
Five Points To Green er Cities
Five Points To Greener Cities
05 04 2010 . Damascus . The Syrian British Org
as mentioned by Mr. Peter Ross . "a Solution"
. Define with Honest Definitions the problems!
. Protect The Parts/ Areas of Certain value/s
. Penetrate The Protected green
. Provide multi-centers "that do the job"
. Connect The centers and you'll have a "Green Network"
+ Design For Positive Change +
+ Design For Positive Change +
Competition copied of http://www.na.sappi.com/ideasthatmatterNA/index.html
A decade ago, we launched Ideas that Matter, the industry’s only grant program aimed at helping designers contribute their talents to the charitable activities that they care about most. Sappi believes that the creative ideas of designers can have an impact beyond the aesthetic and that those ideas can be a powerful force for social good. To date, Ideas that Matter has awarded $10 million worldwide in grants supporting causes that range from youth centers and health care awareness to wildlife protection. Working together with our customers, we aim to make a difference.
Who may apply
Ideas that Matter is open to individual designers, design firms, agencies, in-house corporate design departments, design instructors, and individual design students and design student groups.
What kinds of projects may be submitted
All communication projects that support the needs of the nonprofit and meet the conditions and requirements of the program will be considered. At least a portion of the project should be printed. Additional elements may include a variety of communication mediums such as outdoor signage, t-shirts, banner advertising, print advertising, websites, html campaigns, or other media. What budget items may be submitted
Grant awards, ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 per project, may be used for implementation and out-of-pocket costs, including photography, illustration, paper, printing, mailing and related expenses. Your grant cannot be applied toward the designer’s time, hardware or overhead elements, such as computers or rent.
Selection process
Applications are reviewed by an independent committee comprised of leaders in the design industry. Evaluation of project concepts and design will be based on creativity, potential effectiveness and practical plan for implementation. All requested information and materials can be submitted on the official entry forms or reformatted in a separate presentation. If your entry is reformatted, please make sure to include all information in the order in which it is requested. The decisions of the judges are final.
Publication rights
Sappi reserves the right to publish and promote the completed work made possible by the Ideas that Matter grant. Grant recipients may also be asked to participate in Sappi educational seminars and conferences, or to share their programs with others in the graphic arts community. Sappi reserves the right to reproduce any design submissions, along with pertinent case histories, in materials produced to promote and support the Ideas that Matter program.
Send your completed application form and requested supplementary materials to:
Ideas that Matter
Sappi Fine Paper North America
89 Cumberland Street
Westbrook, Maine 04092
Application deadline is July 16, 2010. Grants will be announced in September 2010. Ideas must be fully implemented within six months of receiving awards. For more information
For more information, call 800-882-4332.
Competition copied of http://www.na.sappi.com/ideasthatmatterNA/index.html
A decade ago, we launched Ideas that Matter, the industry’s only grant program aimed at helping designers contribute their talents to the charitable activities that they care about most. Sappi believes that the creative ideas of designers can have an impact beyond the aesthetic and that those ideas can be a powerful force for social good. To date, Ideas that Matter has awarded $10 million worldwide in grants supporting causes that range from youth centers and health care awareness to wildlife protection. Working together with our customers, we aim to make a difference.
Who may apply
Ideas that Matter is open to individual designers, design firms, agencies, in-house corporate design departments, design instructors, and individual design students and design student groups.
What kinds of projects may be submitted
All communication projects that support the needs of the nonprofit and meet the conditions and requirements of the program will be considered. At least a portion of the project should be printed. Additional elements may include a variety of communication mediums such as outdoor signage, t-shirts, banner advertising, print advertising, websites, html campaigns, or other media. What budget items may be submitted
Grant awards, ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 per project, may be used for implementation and out-of-pocket costs, including photography, illustration, paper, printing, mailing and related expenses. Your grant cannot be applied toward the designer’s time, hardware or overhead elements, such as computers or rent.
Selection process
Applications are reviewed by an independent committee comprised of leaders in the design industry. Evaluation of project concepts and design will be based on creativity, potential effectiveness and practical plan for implementation. All requested information and materials can be submitted on the official entry forms or reformatted in a separate presentation. If your entry is reformatted, please make sure to include all information in the order in which it is requested. The decisions of the judges are final.
Conditions & restrictions
- All grant monies must be used within six months of receipt.
- No charity may cite Sappi or Ideas that Matter as a supplier of a grant without prior written permission from Sappi.
- Sappi employees and family members and agencies conducting business with the company are ineligible.
- Grant recipients who find they are unable to execute the chosen program may enlist the help of the non-profit organization to complete it.
- Submitted concepts not awarded a grant will remain the intellectual property of the applicant. However, Sappi reserves the right to keep and show any of the concepts unless the applicant requests otherwise in writing.
- Sappi reserves the right to reproduce and promote the funded campaigns as case histories.
- Grants are not paid out as a lump sum, but as they are implemented. As expenses are incurred, either the designer or the nonprofit should submit a request for payment on official letterhead, along with the invoice(s).
- Applicants who want their materials returned must include a written request with their submitted proposal.
Publication rights
Sappi reserves the right to publish and promote the completed work made possible by the Ideas that Matter grant. Grant recipients may also be asked to participate in Sappi educational seminars and conferences, or to share their programs with others in the graphic arts community. Sappi reserves the right to reproduce any design submissions, along with pertinent case histories, in materials produced to promote and support the Ideas that Matter program.
Application needs
Your application must include the following:
Your application must include the following:
- Mission statement of the benefiting non-profit organization
- Written description of the proposed project, including a list of elements within it
- Brief description of the project’s objectives
- Visual presentation of your proposed idea
- Project timeline and proposed budget
- Summary information about the applicant
- Resume of applicant
- Samples of applicant’s previous work
Send your completed application form and requested supplementary materials to:
Ideas that Matter
Sappi Fine Paper North America
89 Cumberland Street
Westbrook, Maine 04092
Application deadline is July 16, 2010. Grants will be announced in September 2010. Ideas must be fully implemented within six months of receiving awards. For more information
For more information, call 800-882-4332.
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